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Intro to Art  Fall 2020 

For a short statement, write a short paragraph that addresses the questions below:

Tell us about the first piece of art you made, or when you took your first art class, or if you make art outside of class.  What kind of art do you make? Where does your inspiration come from?  

When I look back at all the artwork I have made this term I
see ..... (what do you see as your strengths in the process of making art). Which piece of art are you most proud of and why? 


My biggest takeaways from this year are...... (what you learned about yourself in the process of making art.)

Looking forward I want to ...... (learn more about, explore, experiment with ......)

How to Create A Virtual Art Exhibit?

Go to Page:  Manage Page ----> Create a New Page -----> Title: Intro to Art Exhibit 

Add Heading:  + ----> Add Heading -----> Intro to Art Exhibit Fall 2020 (Design the text to make it stand out as a heading)
Add Gallery: + ----> Gallery -----> Recommended ------> Grid (Pro Gallery) 

Click on Manage Media ----> Exchange the Template Images with your art.  You can upload photo (jpg) or video files (.mov). 

Add Gallery: + ----> Image ----->  My Image Uploads (title and edit images as shown above). 
After you upload images, take the time to ADJUST and enhance (crop, rotate, adjust) the image by using the tools provided.

Screen Shot 2020-11-03 at 1.11.04 PM.png
Screen Shot 2020-11-11 at 7.21.57 AM.png
Screen Shot 2020-11-11 at 7.22.26 AM.png

Click here to learn more about How to Document your Artwork.

How many images should I add?
6 - 9 images (a combination of sketchbook, experiments, assignments - show a variety of your best work from the term.  If you are posting photographs, you may have more than 9 images) 

How should I title them?  The title can be descriptive or assignment title, with the materials/tools below it.

How do I write a short statement? - use the questions provided above, spell check, and read it once or twice to make sure it flows. 

© 2019 by Sejal Patel with 

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