HOW TO... by Ms. Walski
Download your image from Google Drive and save it to the computer - remember where you saved it.
Open photoshop
In Photoshop, choose File > Open and select the file you want to open.
To save changes choose File > Save from the menu bar.
To save a new copy of your file choose File > Save as​
At this point you can also change the format of your file from a JPEG to a PSD, PNG etc... ​
Remember to always upload your saved filed to your Google Drive.
From the tools panel select the 'Marquee tool' ​
Look for this icon ​
Click and drag to expand the shape until it has covered the area you want to keep.
From the menu bar, choose Image > Crop
TOOLS PANEL: Contains all tools for editing and creating images - if you hover over the tools photoshop will display the name. You can also search for tools using the search feature on the top right of the options bar.
OPTIONS BAR: Contains options for the tool you are currently using
MENU BAR: Contains menus that give access to commands such as save, export, adjustments, panels etc..
DOCUMENT WINDOW: Displays the file you are working on. There may be multiple windows open at a time - they will appear as tabs.
PANELS: Contains access to controls for working with images. You can add windows to the panels - from the menu bar, choose Window and select the panels you want to open and drag them into the panels area to organize.
From the menu bar, choose Edit > Undo or Edit >​​ Redo
Choose Edit > Step Backward to continuously reverse your actions.
Open your history by choosing Window > History from the menu bar.
In the history window you can delete actions by selecting the action, then clicking the trash icon. ​
There are many ways to enhance an image with Photoshop. Here are few tools and tricks to help you get started.
From the menu bar, choose Image > Adjustments > Brightness/Contrast
Use the scales to adjust the brightness and contrast by dragging the arrow to the right to increase and to the left to decrease.
You may also use 'Levels' to adjust brightness, contrast, and color balance.
Learn more under 'Enhance Your Image' ​
From the menu bar choose Image > Adjustments this menu provides access to a variety of ways to enhance your photos. Click on each adjustment and experiment to see how the adjustments affects your image.
From the tools panel select the lasso tool
Look for this icon​
The lasso tool allows you to select parts of your image.
Use the lasso tool by tracing along the edges of the object you wish to remove. ​​
From the Menu bar choose Edit > Fill
A window will appear with settings for this action. ​​
For photoshop to fill in the space of the object make sure the settings look like this:​
Here is a link to a video tutorial that also explains this process.
Layers are used by artists to organize objects, images, or effects they are working with in Photoshop.
Each layer represents an invisible plane that can hold images, text, filters, etc. By adding layers the artist stacks these elements like a collage.
How to find layer in Photoshop:
From the menu bar choose Window > Layers. You can then drag the layers window to the panels section of your Photoshop window so that it is easily accessible.
How to add / delete a layer:
To add a layer and delete layers use the icons at the bottom of the layers panel.
To add a layer:​​
To delete a layer:​​